Equal opportunity Living wage high standards and processes to make Our people 20 We pay the Real Living Wage, as sure that pay is determined on a fair and outlined by the Living Wage Foundation, comparable basis, for every role in our for people working at Pentland Brands organisation. This includes consistent in the UK. This goes beyond the role evaluation processes and internal statutory National Living Wage and and external salary and bene昀椀ts Female Male minimum wage to pay an amount that benchmarking for roles. 51% 44% better re昀氀ects the cost of living. We *Undeclared ensure we pay at least the statutory Gender pay gap 5% minimum wage for our employees Workplace 昀氀exibility impacts gender across our global sites. We maintain equality, with data showing childcare responsibilities more likely fall to women. *The figure represents our employees We introduced ‘smart’ working policies across our global offices. It excludes 77 people who chose not to share to tackle this so that, wherever possible, their data. we can give people increased 昀氀exibility around where, when and how they UK Executive team work, which will ultimately open up more career opportunities, particularly for women. We’re mindful that the area to improve is the disproportionate number of men within the director level of our Female Male organisation. We are doing this through 40% 60% a combination of continued succession planning, talent pipeline development and external recruitment. See our Gender Pay Gap report here. *(April 2022)
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