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Diversity and inclusion We’re committed to creating a culture Supporting young talent We have four networks of passionate 19 of inclusivity and diversity and shaping As a business, we’re working hard to people across our global business “Being part of the Black Colleagues and our activities around these three pillars: incorporate diversity and inclusion that drive change and help Pentland their Allies network has been a source of pride. A highlight was the amazing into everything we do, from our brand become a better place to work: collaboration between Pentland and Positive: Our people and brands power campaigns to our recruitment Black Colleagues & their Allies, The People, where I, along with leaders diversity and inclusion. processes. We partnered with The LGBTQ+ Colleagues & their Allies, from around the business, mentored People, a mission-led start-up, to help a Network for Women & their Allies individuals from ethnic and underserved backgrounds.” Mark Williams, Black Inclusive: Everyone feels a true sense young people from underrepresented and a Wellbeing Network. Some of Colleagues & their Allies Network of belonging. communities break into the world of their actions for 2022 included: work. Called the Pentland Collective: the free mentoring Diverse: Striving for better representation programme helped A global anti-racism allyship across our business to re昀氀ect the diverse young people from Black, Asian, programme through Show Racism the consumers we serve. minority ethnic and underserved Red Card. We showcased our diversity “I’m very proud that Pentland puts communities develop their skills, work to MPs in UK Parliament. LGBTQ+ agenda front and centre, with an employee network that strives to We cultivate an inclusive culture in con昀椀dence and network. make it a welcoming place for everyone several ways: Our 昀椀rst-ever Pride celebrations to be their true authentic self.” Louis Kwong, LGBTQ+ Colleagues & their Allies across our global o昀케ces, a podcast Learning series “We are proud to partner with Pentland celebrating Coming Out Day and Our D&I knowledge series o昀昀ers Brands, a company that is engaged introducing the ability to add our people practical tips on how to and willing to listen, learn and support preferred pronouns to email a new generation of talent from be more inclusive in the workplace, underrepresented communities. I have signatures. covering topics like neurodiversity, had the privilege to be a mentee and disability inclusion, and inclusive mentor and it has had a major impact on Raising awareness around women my personal and professional growth.” leadership. Rochelle Livingstone, Programme -centric issues such as menopause. Manager at The People Employee networks

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