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Risk and opportunities Supply chain delays between Russia and Ukraine 17 With lockdowns in China continuing increased the risks of cyber-attacks, into the 昀椀rst quarter of 2022, some so we moved our IT Security of our factory partners continued to Operations team to high alert status operate at a reduced capacity. Despite as a precaution and actively blocked known Russian IP addresses. our best e昀昀orts to keep things running smoothly, restrictions impacted the movement of orders to our freight Cost of living crisis forwarders. This meant we were unable To help our people with the cost of to ship some orders until lockdown living crisis, we applied an in-year restrictions eased in the second salary increase for our lower earners quarter. (5% in UK and varied in other locations) and a further increase for all Ukraine invasion employees from 2023 (7% in UK and Following the invasion of Ukraine the US with various increases across by Russia in February 2022, our other locations re昀氀ective of market priority was on how to support the conditions). We also introduced a package of support for including humanitarian e昀昀orts. See how we supported Ukraine with emergency 昀椀nancial education sessions and relief on page 24. money coaching (UK employees). W e paused trading in Russia on 28th February and suspended actively trading in the market until further notice. The escalating situation

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